Small- to mid-sized companies often require but cannot justify hiring in-house general counsel. For these clients, Rottenberg Lipman Rich’s Outside General Counsel practice provides a level of in-house general counsel services previously found only in large companies. Our professionals apply their collective legal and business experience to advise these clients on a broad array of issues. By familiarizing ourselves with each client’s business operations, senior management and regulatory environment, we are well-positioned to advise our clients on making time-sensitive decisions on business and legal issues and, more importantly, to proactively spot potential exposures before they impact a client’s business.
Our Outside General Counsel practice permits clients to access the entire suite of Rottenberg Lipman Rich’s legal services throughout their business lifecycle – from entity formation and corporate government to hiring and firing employees/workers; buying, selling or leasing real estate; mergers and acquisitions; dispute resolution; and the dissolution or winding down of an entity.